Where to Shop
- Adult Products
- Air Conditioning
- Appliances
- Audio Visual Equipment
- Auto Parts
- Baby Shop - Maternity and Toys
- Bakery
- Ballet Shop
- Barbers
- Bathrooms
- Books
- Butcher
- Candles
- Ceramics and pottery
- Childcare
- Clothing
- Clothing - Ladies Clothing
- Coffee Store
- Computer Supplies & Services
- Confectioners
- Constructions
- Custom Printed Logo Mats
- Daily Needs
- Dance Shop
- Department Store
- Detergent Shop
- Diving Equipment
- Doors
- Driving Schools
- Electrical Supplies
- Electronic Components
- Electronics / Video Games
- Fashion Retail
- Fireplaces
- Fish Shops
- Fittings & Finishes
- Florist
- Foodstore
- Footwear
- Fruit and Veg
- Furnishings
- Furniture
- Furniture - Outdoor Furniture
- Games and Consoles
- Garden Centres
- Gift Shop
- Guns & Ammunitions
- Gym & Fitness
- Hair Salon
- Hand Painted Decorative Ceramics
- Hardware Store
- Health & Beauty
- Health and Beauty Products
- Hobby & Gaming
- Home & Garden
- Home Decor
- Household Goods
- Indian Restaurant
- Jewellers
- Kitchens
- Lighting
- Lingerie
- Lubricants
- Manufacturing
- Medical Shoes
- Mediterranean Restaurant
- Metal Fabrication
- Mini Market
- Mobile Phones and Accessories
- Mobile Repairs
- Music Instruments Retail
- Nail Studio
- Office Furniture
- Optician
- PVC windows
- Paints
- Party Items
- Pet Groomer
- Pet Shops
- Petrol Station
- Poultry Products
- Pubs
- Pubs & Bars
- Restaurants - Asian
- Restaurants - Cafes
- Restaurants - Casual Dining
- Restaurants - Fried Chicken
- Restaurants - Mediterranean
- Restaurants - Pizzeria
- Restaurants - Steak House
- Restaurants - Take-Out
- Security Products
- Shows and Events
- Signs & Large Format Printing
- Sports
- Stationery
- Sunglasses & Accessories
- Sweet Shops
- TV's and Electronics
- Taxi Service
- Textiles
- Tiles
- Tools
- Toy Shops
- Travel
- VRT Garage
- Vape Shops
- Vet Pharmacy
- Voluntary Organization
- Watches
- Wines and Spirits
ESS Limited

Electrical Supplies and Services Ltd, known as ESS, was founded by Duncan Agius, its CEO, in 2001.
ESS started as a modest retail outlet, but quickly became a prominent stockist of a wide range of commercial and residential electrical goods.
The company's success is attributed to strategic alliances with key international partners such as GE Power Controls (Italy), Fael Luce (Italy),
Mondini Cavi (Italy), and Scolmore International Limited (UK), which have played a crucial role in ESS's vision of delivering high-quality
electrical products and services to the market.
ESS Building, San Gwakkin Road, Mriehel
2125 5777 / 2125 5888
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday:
08:00 - 19:45
08:00 - 12:00
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